Our Story
Light of the World Childcare is a not-for-profit center that provides an inclusive, all-loving environment. Light of the World Childcare offers a variety of customized programs for its Childcare. Our belief is that each & every child is a gift from God with who has their own unique talents. We aim to encourage and develop their God- given talents in a caring and nurturing environment. At Light of the World we are dedicated to excellence in childcare and promoting the growth and development of our children, paving the way for bright futures.
Our Mission
Give parents the peace of mind that their children are in a safe and nurturing environment, assigning a time for homework (STEM-based education) and time to play and build their social skills. Our center is focused on encouraging each child’s individuality and creativity in an environment that provides fun, warmth, security, education and personal growth. To promote good physical health, children will have access to our well-equipped sports facilities and playground. We provide a welcoming environment inclusive of all members of the community and invite community members into our safe space which introduces our children to the rich diversity of our city.
Our Values
Belonging refers to a sense of connection with others, an individual’s experiences of being valued, of forming relationships with others and making contributions as part of a group, a community, and the natural world.
Well-being addresses the importance of physical, mental health and wellness. It incorporates capacities such as self-care, sense of self, and self-regulation skills.
Engagement suggests a state of being involved and focused. When children are able to explore the world around them with their natural curiosity and exuberance, they are fully engaged. Through this type of play and inquiry, they develop skills such as problem solving, creative thinking, and innovating, which are essential for learning and success in school and beyond.
Expression or communication (to be heard, as well as to listen) may take various forms. Through their bodies, words, and use of materials, children develop capacities for increasingly complex communication. Opportunities to explore materials support creativity, problem solving, and mathematical reasoning. Language-rich environments support growing communication skills, which are foundational for literacy.